Blacklist Case #1

Oregon State Roleplay

Blacklist Case #1 - 10/12/2022

On 10th December 2022, Oregon State Roleplay has decided to officially issue a blacklist on New York City Roleplay, we have provided more information on the blacklist below. We recommend anyone who is staff at this server to leave immediately, do not surround yourself with this toxicity.

Server Name: New York City Roleplay

Server ID: 996815128869732443

Owner’s Roblox Username: Baluka1976

Owner’s Discord Username: Balazs1108#8880

Owner’s ID: 935464541695926282

So, what’s our reasoning behind the blacklist?

  • Unprofessionalism
  • Possibly of the server owner being underage.
  •  Encouraging violations of ToS.

In other words: We have evidence to believe the server’s owner is underage. He seems to have a sheer lack of knowledge of discord’s basic systems, and also has rather terrible grammar. We also have some rather disturbing screenshots regarding his attitude towards female staff members, and towards copying other server’s channels and layouts. Not only this, but former staff members describe they were “used” by Bal, to fix and run his server while he was running it into the ground himself.

For those of you who would say, that “There isn’t enough evidence!”. We would simply say:

“Oregon State Roleplay reserves the right to blacklist any server, at any time.”

Encouraging Violations of Tos:

Evidence of unprofessionalism, questionable opinions about female members of staff:

The owner on copying other server’s channels and layouts:

Some other rather interesting images we got our hands on:

I would like to reiterate, if you are a staff member at NYCRP, we highly recommend that you resign.

For those of you interested, this is the link to OSRP: